A Peek Behind the Curtain: The Fascinating Writing Process of Yours's Truly

"From blogger to author, perseverance and commitment are essential for success in the writing process." - Odian Levy

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Embarking on the journey of writing my novel, Hummingbird, has been a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences. In this post, I want to share with you the behind-the-scenes look at my writing process, the inspiration, and the challenges that shaped the story. As a blogger-turned-author, I’ve navigated through this transformation with determination and passion, constantly learning from the world around me. So, sit back and join me as I unveil the secrets, the struggles, and the triumphs that contributed to the making of my book.

Discover how authors find inspiration from diverse sources such as personal experiences, current events, and other forms of art.

To prepare for writing the book “Hummingbird,” I drew from my own life experiences, particularly when I worked with an awareness group to raise awareness about human trafficking. While working for this group, I engaged with different people, educating them about how human trafficking operates, the signs to look for, and conducting extensive research for the documents we used in our handouts. This experience inspired me to incorporate this theme into “Hummingbird.” My hope is that readers will not only be entertained but also become more aware of this pressing issue.

In addition to this personal experience, I found inspiration from various books, comics, anime, movies, and TV shows in the action and sci-fi genres. My goal was to create an engaging story without convoluting the plot or getting lost in technical details. I also wanted to emphasize the importance of having a minority character, a Jamaican American, as the protagonist and hero of the story.

Explore how authors immerse themselves in various subjects to bring authenticity and depth to their work.
When selecting locations for “Hummingbird,” I wanted to choose places that were both unique and visually striking. That’s why I picked Chefchaouen, known as the Blue City of Morocco. Its distinctiveness matched the unique storyline I envisioned. The story then moves to a semi-urban area in California. To prepare for writing about these locations, I visited California and conducted extensive virtual research on Chefchaouen through YouTube.

I made an effort to weave common elements and local color from both locations into the story, ensuring that readers would feel fully immersed in the environments surrounding the characters. By blending these carefully chosen settings with the action-packed and emotionally resonant story, I aimed to create a captivating and enlightening reading experience that stays with readers long after they’ve turned the last page.

Bussiness growth success process

Learn how authors create relatable, memorable characters by delving into their motivations, flaws, and growth.

In the story, there are numerous characters, and I aimed to make each one feel relatable by giving them well-grounded, everyday life backstories and engaging interactions with the main character. The book is set shortly after 9/11, a challenging period in my life and for many others. I tried to include details and emotions that would transport readers back to that time, allowing them to connect with the characters’ experiences and feel a part of that significant moment in history.

I believe that setting the story during this tumultuous time adds depth and drive to the characters, as life was markedly different and more intense than in previous years. Capturing that emotional landscape helps readers understand the urgency of national security during that period in American history. It also provides a compelling context for the characters’ motivations and their desire to contribute to a safer America by fighting human traffickers.

To create relatable and memorable characters, it’s essential to explore their motivations, flaws, and growth throughout the story. By weaving in elements from the post-9/11 era and incorporating the characters’ diverse backgrounds and experiences, the story achieves an emotional resonance that resonates with readers. This approach enables readers to empathize with the characters and become invested in their journey, ultimately making the story more engaging and impactful.

Stay true to your voice and story; authenticity, passion, and hard work guide you toward your goals.

Discover how authors create engaging plots by outlining story arcs, subplots, and turning points.

Crafting a captivating plot involves a delicate balance of story arcs, subplots, and turning points that keep readers intrigued and invested. In this story, I employed a three-act plot structure, weaving together an overarching narrative with at least two subplots for readers to follow. The main character must navigate these subplots and overcome various challenges, resulting in no fewer than three crucial turning points that shape her journey.

These turning points serve as pivotal moments where the protagonist’s actions and decisions have significant consequences. By ensuring that the reader understands the character’s reasoning at these critical junctures, they can empathize with her attempts to make sense of the complex situations she faces. With limited information available, the protagonist’s actions reflect her best judgment, given the circumstances.

In creating an engaging plot, outlining the story arc, subplots, and turning points helps maintain a sense of suspense and anticipation throughout the narrative. As the protagonist encounters these twists and obstacles, readers become increasingly invested in her journey, eager to discover the ultimate outcome. This carefully crafted structure not only keeps the story moving forward but also provides readers with a rich, immersive experience that stays with them long after they’ve finished the book.

Learn about the importance of discipline, routine, and perseverance in the writing process.

Developing a consistent routine and maintaining discipline are crucial components of the writing process. In my personal experience, I dedicate time each morning, between 4:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m., solely to writing. To maintain momentum during my writing sessions, I keep an inspiration journal in the form of a digital Google document. This journal serves as a source of ideas and motivation when I need an extra push to continue writing.

Transitioning from a blogger to an author presents its unique challenges, as writing a timeless story differs significantly from crafting an article for the present moment. Nevertheless, perseverance and commitment to the writing process are essential for success.

Understand the challenges and rewards associated with each publishing path.

My journey in publishing has been marked by ups and downs, including a potential publishing deal that fell through due to unforeseen circumstances. Ultimately, I decided to self-publish my novel, embracing the challenges and rewards that come with taking full control of the process. Whether the book succeeds or not, I can confidently say that I put forth my best effort and persevered through every obstacle.

Encourage aspiring authors to learn from the experiences and dedication of accomplished writers.

For anyone attempting to write their first book or transitioning from blogging to authorship, be prepared for a challenging but rewarding journey. It is essential to develop a thick skin, accept constructive criticism, and differentiate it from negative comments aimed at knocking you down. Understand that not everyone will support your dreams, but sometimes your greatest allies are people you’ve never met in person.

Over my ten years of blogging, I’ve encountered various supporters, critics, and shifting relationships. It’s important to remember that as long as you’re writing for yourself and not solely for others’ approval, you’ll find success. Stay true to your voice and your story, and strive for authenticity rather than trying to please everyone. In the end, hard work, dedication, and genuine passion for your craft will guide you toward accomplishing your goals.

hello world, i'm odian

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